Amiga Flame - Demo of the Month - In The Shadow Of Time


In The Shadow Of Time

Developer:Shadow Elks Requirements:Aga

In The Shadow Of Time is a new adventure game being developed by Shadow Elks for the Amiga. The developers behind the game where so impressed by Monkey Island and other adventure games that they decided to make there own, only this one looks and plays far better. The demo has already shown me a good amount of progress with obviously a great deal of planning and designing going into this title.

This is in fact the second demo to be released by Shadow Elks who have been working on In The Shadow Of Time for over 2 years. In this demo Tadpole sets out to get some stuff for his friend the janitor, when the demo starts he's outside a shopping complex and only has one item to get which is a Newspaper.

The demo has obviously been made to impress Publishers and users, with a nice presentation and a user interference that is very easy to use, especially in its layout. The left mouse button is used to move Tadpole about and the right button is to do stuff like pick up, operate, examine, use, open, listen and several more.

Conversations between people have been well structured, very jokey most times and fluent. It isn't digitalised speech but it still has a good atmosphere with a change in music. I particularly like the way you're just walking around a mall and other people are clearly talking to others. So many other adventure games just have a character standing around like a statue until you talk to them. In a conversation with a small woman in the Gun Shop she pulled out a gun during a verbal fight, thankfully she only flashed it or else it was going to be a quick end to me. But if you think she is bad, just try and pick up the dog - I was only trying to be friendly. They have really built up the characters, some have a real attitude.

The sound effects and animations are also of a good standard such as sliding doors, elevators and if you walk out of the supermarket without paying, you'll see more.

The demo is a great improvement from the first and it's clearly a good sign for the future of this title which at the moment has no Publisher.

The demo can be downloaded in one big lha file but for those still in University, it would be best to download two broken lha files to then transfer onto disks. For those who find the demo difficult, you can download a walkthrough from the Shadow Elks web site.

Download Shadow of Time Demo (PART 1) - (388kb) - UK


Download Shadow of Time Demo (PART 2) - (570kb) - UK


Download Shadow of Time Demo (PART 1) - (388kb) - Sweden


Download Shadow of Time Demo (PART 2) - (570kb) - Sweden

E-mail your support and opinions to Shadow Elks at:-

Their web site is at:-

Installation For In The Shadow Of Time
  1. Dearchive the lha files in one Drawer.
  2. Double click on the icon, it'll load up immediately.

Amiga Flame

E-mail - philip @

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